Code generation for new target language
Amal Khailtash
2012-12-06 21:36:52 UTC
I have properly set up the CLASSPATH, create new
org.antlr.v4.codegen.languageTarget and created new template
under org/antlr/v4/tool/templates/codegen/language/language.stg but when I

% antlr4 -Dlanguage=language example.g, the lexer is not created in the
target language, but I still see exampleLexer.java!

This is based on antlr-4.0ea-complete.jar release.

Another question is for some languages like python that do not have
Interfaces like Java, one might want skip generation of the two
exampleVisitor and exampleListener and just go for the two base classes
(exampleBaseVisitor and exampleBaseListener). It would be great if the
template for these are not found in the stg file, those files not be

*-- Amal*

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